While we are a small team of less than 10 employees today, we expect our local office to grow along with our business in Ghana. We support the government’s economic policies that prioritize building a strong and resilient economy; setting up local P&G operations generates new direct and indirect jobs. It also serves hundreds of SMEs with our distributors operations.
P&G Gives Back​​​​​​​
- Our Pampers hospital & mobile clinics will touch the lives of over 300,000 young Ghanaian mothers and babies by 2018.
- We reached and provided feminine hygiene/puberty education programs to over 25 000 young girls by the end of 2016 and aim to over 200,000 Ghanaian girls by 2018 with our Always keeping girls in School program
- In partnership with UNICEF, we have provided over 15 million vaccines eradicating MNT in 7 African countries, With our Children’s Safe Drinking Water (CSDW).
- We have been working with NGO’s to provide over 175MM litters of Safe Drinking Water for the past 10 years in West Africa, and will continue to provide more.